Lauren E Boudreaux, DO, FAAD, Co-CMO

Lauren E Boudreaux, DO, FAAD, Co-CMO



Dr. Lauren Boudreaux, FAAD is a board-certified dermatologist practicing comprehensive dermatology for all ages. Born and raised in Houston, TX, moving then to New York City, and finally to the Pacific Northwest, Dr. Boudreaux has established her practice in Vancouver, WA in both medical and cosmetic dermatology. In addition to running a busy practice, she is a core faculty member for our dermatology residents and the director for cosmetic training.

Outside of work, Dr. Boudreaux enjoys hiking, camping, and white water rafting with her husband, Eric and their two bernedoodles. She also loves skiing in the winter and making art with pastels and watercolors. She is an avid traveler and is always looking for new places to explore!



Board License/Credentials

Board Certified Dermatologist


  • Bachelors Degree, St. Edward’s University, Austin, Texas
  • Medical Degree, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth
  • Internship, Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center